Attacking Valleys

Attacking Valleys

How many troops you need to defeat any valley.

Valleys boost your resource production, and your town hall level determines how many valleys you can control (town hall level 2 = 2 valleys, level 3 = 3 valleys, and so on).


  • 1 Only Archers
  • 2 Level 1
  • 3 Level 2
  • 4 Level 3
  • 5 Level 4
  • 6 Level 5
  • 7 Level 6
  • 8 Level 7
  • 9 Level 8
  • 10 Level 9
  • 11 Level 10

Only Archers

Level 1: 50 archers Level 2: 100 archers Level 3: 200 archers Level 4: 400-450 archers (higher for lake) Level 5: 750 archers Level 6: 2300 archers

Level 1

50 warriors, 20 archers Very few casualties

Sent an army of 20 archers and 1 lvl 5 hero against lvl 1 valley with lvl 19 hero and 59 warriors and won with no casualties.  Sent 20 archers based on exercise at rally point.

Level 2

70 warriors, 30 archers

Level 3

90 warriors, 40 archers

Level 4

50 Ballista Hero Attack 105, Barracks Lv 10, Metal Casting Lv 7, Horseback Riding Lv 6, Archery Lv 7, Logistics Lv 5

120 warriors, 80 archers Note: One player lost all his troops attacking a level 4 valley with these forces.
Sent 250 swordsmen, 5 scouts, 53 archers and 250 workers
Lost 53 workers, all the scouts and archers and 23 swordsmen
Suggest 200-250 swordsmen and 200-250 archers for a low loss win, and workers  to carry booty away

Level 5

 I sent 250 archers. Casuality: 15 archers. 

Level 6

635 pikemen were given as a swarm..... So I attacked a swarm with 239 scouts 20 pikemen 196 swords men 53 archers 119 Cavalry. 321 pikemen in the level 6 valley were killed the attacking force was wiped out.

Level 7


Level 8

2500 Warriors, 1400 Pikemen, 2300 Swordsmen, 4100 Archers, 350 Ballista Lost 115 Pikemen and 112 Swordsmen

Level 9

Troops: 5,000 archers and 1 of each: warrior, scout, worker, swordsman, and pikemen Technologies: Archery lvl 9, Military tradition lvl 9, Iron working lvl 5

Level 10

30,000 archers, 10,000 warriors, 500 balistae, 0 losses

9 Archery 10 HBR 6 Military Science 5 Military Tradition 5 Iron Working L37 115 attack hero

Attacked L10 forest with 15,000 archers and won, but with heavy losses
Attacked L10 lake with 84,969 scouts and won. Heavy losses (22,835) but scouts are cheap to replace. All academy research is at lvl 10.

Attacked L10 forest with 2.2k warriors and 42k archers (small amt of pikemen and swordsmen). Lost 3k archers.

Tech: arch 9, compass 7, military tradition 8, iron working 7


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